When Do Puppies Calm Down?

When do puppies calm down

If you’re a new puppy parent and your puppy is constantly zooming through the house, you’re likely wondering: when do puppies calm down?

Yep, I’ve asked myself this question for a good 6 to 12 months of first having my Mini Poodle Baloo. You can’t even imagine the amount of energy he had! Add some really bad separation anxiety, loooots of whining and barking and the occasional chewing on top of it and you can imagine how relaxing our first few months together were…

So, if you’re becoming desperate over your puppy’s boundless energy and his love for getting in trouble, rest assured, you’re not alone!

Luckily, it will get better at some point. Baloo only really calmed down at about 1.5 or 2 years old. However, he already got a little calmer at about 6 months and again at about 1 year old.

There’s no magic number for when puppies calm down. But once he’s about 1 to 1.5 years old, you’ve mad it through the worst 😉

Now, let’s take a look at it in more detail.

When Do Puppies Calm Down?

Dogs do a lot of growing when they’re young! On average, puppies need about 18 to 20 hours of sleep every day to keep their little minds and bodies growing healthily.

But during those few hours when they are awake, it might seem like your puppy has boundless energy! He’s running around, chewing on things, and barking and whining nonstop to get your attention.

“Calm” is the last word you would use to describe your puppy!

Don’t worry! As he gets older, he’ll start to calm down. But when exactly will that happen? Well, let’s take a look!

Puppy Energy Levels by Age

Age plays a huge factor in your puppy’s energy levels. All puppies are different, but they do follow the same general aging trends!

Newborn to 10 Weeks

When they are first born, puppies need a lot of help from their mamas. They’re essentially helpless, and won’t be able to do much on their own! A puppy’s eyes won’t even open until they’re about 10 to 14 days old!

They can’t hear anything either—a puppy’s hearing doesn’t usually develop until they’re about 14 to 18 days old. So, at this stage, they’re not getting a lot of stimulation and will stay fairly calm.

Over the coming weeks as they get older, they’ll start to get a little braver and venture further away from mama and littermates. You’ll see a lot of changes in energy levels during this period. Your puppy will go from completely helpless to a little critter who can walk around, bark, wag his tail, and yes—get into trouble!

Puppies will only develop their puppy energy at a few weeks old
Puppies will only develop their puppy energy at a few weeks old

10 Weeks to 16 Weeks

Up until this point, your puppy may have been a sweet, tiny little angel. But once they hit about 10 to 16 weeks, you’ll see a lot more energy, and a lot more testing of boundaries!

Everything is still super new to your puppy, and he’s trying to figure out how it all works.

At this point in his life, you’re going to want to work a lot on training. This is a great time to work on basic obedience, as well as teaching your puppy what he is and isn’t allowed to get into.

Bear in mind that puppies have pretty short attention spans, so you’ll need to make training fun, short, and frequent!

Between 10 and 16 weeks old, puppies start to test their boundaries a lot more
Between 10 and 16 weeks old, puppies start to test their boundaries a lot more

16 Weeks to 6 Months

Your puppy is still going to have a lot of boundless energy at this point in his life. But he’ll also be a lot more sociable, especially with other dogs! This is good, because it’s a great chance to teach your dog how to socialize properly with others. Once your puppy has all his vaccines, take him out to a dog park or organize some puppy playdates with friends!

At this stage, your puppy will also start really defining his personality. Watch out for any signs of aggression in your dog. If he displays any of these signs, you’ll want to nip them in the bud right away!  

During this time, your puppy may go through something called a “fear period.” This is normal, and can sometimes last up to a month or so. Just make sure it doesn’t continue beyond that.

16 weeks to 6 months old is probably the most active time for puppies
16 weeks to 6 months old is probably the most active time for puppies

6 Months to 1 Year

By now, your puppy will have a solid grasp on his life and routine, but don’t expect all that energy to disappear quite yet. You’re still going to need to give your pup a lot of daily exercise to keep his energy manageable!

But don’t worry, as he gets closer to about a year old, you’ll start to see him behave more calmly in general. Keep training and socializing your puppy, and know that you’re in the home stretch!

As your puppy approaches 1 year old, he should have calmed down a little
As your puppy approaches 1 year old, he should have calmed down a little

1 Year to 2 Years

Congrats! You made it through the worst of it, and you should find that your dog is significantly calmer now than he was earlier in his life. Most breeds are considered adults at around 1 or 2 years old, so feel good knowing you managed to raise your puppy successfully!

Your dog will still have energy, and some breeds will be more energetic than others throughout their lives. But by the time puppies hit about a year old, their energy will have levelled out, and all of the time you have invested in training will have really paid off.

How Do You Calm Down a Hyper Puppy?

So, you know what to expect during each stage of your puppy’s life. And you know not to worry—your puppy will start calming down eventually! But in the meantime, what can you do?

Here are some tips and tricks for calming down that little bundle of energy.

Provide the Right Amount of Exercise

There’s no magic number of hours in terms of exercise that you should be giving your dog. All dogs are different, and will require a different amount of exercise!

The general rule, however, is that your puppy should get about 5 minutes of exercise per month of age 3 times per day until he’s fully grown. But this isn’t a hard and fast rule, and some puppies will need much more.

If you’re unsure what’s right for your puppy, your vet will be able to recommend to you a appropriate amount of exercise. You should also be mindful to work your puppy’s brain. These 10 brain games for dogs to play at home is a great place to start!

Speaking of brain games, this is also a great way to train your dog. Check out Braintrainingfordogs to learn how to train your dog to be the best dog he can be by using mental stimulation and brain games! Or have a look at Dogpackr’s review first to see if it’s a fit for you and your dog!

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Have a Daily Schedule

Dogs thrive when they have schedules and routines. It lets them know what to expect and when!

Giving your puppy a schedule is a great way to keep him calm, since he’ll learn when it’s time to rest and when it’s time to play. It might take some time for your puppy to get used to his routine, but you’ll be surprised how much more relaxed he is once he catches on!

This is also one of the main points that helped me get Baloo to calm down. Make sure to download my free guide for a calm dog to learn about the other 2 elements.

Crate Train Your Puppy

Crate training your puppy is a great way to help him settle down. Crates should be places where your puppy knows he can be alone and safe. As long as you train your puppy properly, he’ll be able to calm down easily once he goes in his kennel.

If you don’t know where to start, here’s how to crate train a dog easily in 13 steps. You may also want to check out a good crate training schedule for a puppy!

Ignore the Hyper Behavior

As hard as it is, you need to ignore your dog’s hyper behavior. You don’t want to teach your dog that acting out is the way to get attention!

So make sure you don’t acknowledge your dog at all if he’s acting hyper. Just ignore him and wait until he calms down before you pay him any attention.

Ignoring hyper behavior is one of the best ways to help a hyper puppy calm down
Ignoring hyper behavior is one of the best ways to help a hyper puppy calm down

Reward Calm Behavior

The other side to ignoring hyper behavior is rewarding calm behavior. It’s not enough to just not acknowledge bad behavior. You need to show your puppy what you want him to be doing instead!

If your puppy chooses to go lie down quietly somewhere, give him a treat and some affection. He’ll quickly learn that the best way to get what he wants is by behaving calmly!

At What Age Are Puppies the Most Difficult?

It’s different for every dog, and for every person! But puppies hit what could be called their teenage stage at around 6 to 18 months. You might find a lot of acting out and not listening when they reach this age.

5 to 10 months old can also be a challenging time for puppies and their owners. Just be patient during these moments, and know that your dog will grow out of it with the right training!

Puppies tend to be the most difficult between a few months and 1 year old
Puppies tend to be the most difficult between a few months and 1 year old

At What Age Are Puppies the Most Destructive?

Puppies generally get pretty destructive when they start teething at around 12 weeks old. Teething is an uncomfortable process, and your puppy may try to relieve his discomfort by chewing on things he’s not supposed to.

Make sure to give your puppy lots of toys that he is allowed to chew on to keep that little mouth busy—and away from your clothes and furniture!

When Do Puppies Calm Down and Stop Biting?

Puppies generally start to calm down once they reach 6 months to a year old. Up to this point, they’ll have a lot of energy, and play biting is probably a big part of his way of burning it!

It’s important to train your puppy not to bite. For more information, check out this article: Do Puppies Grow Out of Biting?


Watching a puppy grow up is an amazing experience. But there are definitely moments in your dog’s puppyhood that will make you eager for him to become an adult!

Each stage of a puppy’s life brings new experience and challenges. Just be patient with your puppy, put in the training, and know that in time your dog will settle down. With a little help from you, your hyper, chompy puppy will become the calm, sweet adult dog you’ve always dreamed of!

P.s.: Don’t forget to check out Braintraining4dogs if you want to take your dog training game to the next level. It offers a 60-day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.

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