Puppy blues: when does having a puppy get easier?

puppy blues

Do you feel anxious and frustrated about having your puppy around?

You might suffer from the puppy blues. And that likely leads to the question: when does having a puppy get easier?

You love your little fur ball and it has been a dream come true bringing him home. So, why do you feel so down and exhausted now that he’s home?

Well, that’s actually completely normal. Bringing a puppy home needs a lot of adjusting. And puppies just need as lot of time and attention when they’re little.

So, let’s look at a few questions around puppy blues that will hopefully help you take the situation a little lighter.

At what age are puppies the most difficult?

If you’ve just gotten your puppy, you might be a little confused. You were so excited during the weeks leading up to picking up your little guy. And your new little puppy is so cute, and you can’t wait for him to become the companion you’ve imagined he’ll become.

But you’re feeling down, and you can’t figure out why!

Maybe you feel like you made a mistake, which could make you feel super guilty about having your puppy. You might also feel isolated and alone.

But don’t worry—you’re not. It’s actually totally normal to experience what’s called the puppy blues.

And the good news is that the puppy blues will go away eventually. But first, let’s talk about why puppies can be so challenging.

Puppy development phases

One of the major things that contributes to the puppy blues is your puppy’s development phase. Your puppy does a lot of growing in his youth. As your puppy gets closer and closer to adulthood, you’ll see some pretty significant changes to your puppy.

You’ll find him growing, and you’ll see some differences to his behavior and ability to focus.

All puppies are different, but they generally have the same development process.

Right around 8 to 12 weeks, your puppy may feel like a little bitey monster. It’s normal to feel frustrated and confused during this period, but don’t worry—it won’t last forever.

Once your puppy hits 4 or 5 months old, he’ll become more well-behaved. You’ll want to take advantage of this period in his life to work on training.

After about 5 months, your puppy hits his teenage phase. You may find him acting out more. Just stay patient, he’ll get through this phase too.

Finally, at about a year, your puppy reaches maturity and can officially be considered adult. You’ll find that he’s much better behaved, and that all the work and training has finally paid off!

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Is the first year of having a puppy the hardest?

Yes! Most owners agree that the first year with a puppy is the hardest. Not only do you need to do a lot of work to train your puppy, but it’s also a huge adjustment to have a puppy in your life.

If you’re finding the first year particularly hard, know that you’re not alone. And there are ways that you can make the process a little easier on yourself and your puppy.

For some advice for common puppy issues, take a look at these articles:

What is the puppy blues?

If you are feeling a lot of anxiety around having your puppy, or you’re feeling down or depressed, you might have the puppy blues.

Many, many puppy owners get the puppy blues. But their severity can vary from person to person. Understanding what exactly the puppy blues are and why they happen can help you feel less alone.

Raising a puppy is a lot of work, and it can be hard on your mental health. Plus, your new puppy is mostly likely not sleeping through the night. That means that you’re not either! And that can lead to some sleep deprivation, which can make your emotions feel even more intense.

If you’re experiencing the puppy blues, the most important thing is to be patient with your puppy—and yourself!

The puppy blues can last for a few months, but many puppy owners find that they get better once their puppy shows signs of improvement.

One really great way to manage them in the meantime is to connect with other puppy owners. Reminding yourself that you’re not alone and finding support with other puppy owners will make a huge difference for you!

When does having a puppy get easier?

The puppy blues can be extremely difficult to deal with. Adjusting to having a new animal in your home in the first place can be really challenging.

But don’t worry, you will adjust eventually! And you’ll be so happy that you pushed through the puppy blues. With time and patience, your puppy will be the well-trained dog you’ve been imagining.

So when do puppies get easier? Well, that depends on a few things. And that includes what you consider “easier!”

Some people find potty training the most challenging part. Once their puppies are potty trained, it’s smooth sailing from there.

Others find their puppies not sleeping through the night to be difficult. Once their puppies can sleep peacefully, their lives get much easier.

The first few months are normally the hardest. The good news is that you can speed up the process by keeping up with training.

When do I get my life back after getting a puppy?

Puppies can be a lot of work, and your little guy might need you around for everything. You may feel like you’re so busy taking care of your puppy that you don’t have a life anymore.

But don’t worry, this isn’t going to last forever. As your puppy gets older, you’ll find him getting more and more independent.

You’ll be able to start leaving him alone a little more and getting back to your life once your puppy enters his teenage phase. At around 5 or 6 months old, your puppy will start to be a little more independent. You’ll be able to leave him alone for longer periods of time. You’ll also find he generally requires a little less intensive training.

You can help your puppy even more by crate training him. This will help him spend more time alone safely. Just remember, if your puppy is still quite young, you won’t want to leave him alone for more than an hour or two.

Here’s how to crate train a dog easily in 13 steps.

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When do puppies get calmer?

A hyperactive puppy can be a difficult thing to manage! Plus, when they’re young, they don’t have a lot of self-control. That makes it difficult for them to regulate their activity levels. They may also find it hard to tell when they’re experiencing overtired puppy symptoms.

So when do puppies calm down? The age at which your puppy will calm down depends on a few things. His age is one of the big ones.

The older your puppy gets, the calmer he’ll start to be. But you should still expect some fluctuations in his energy levels.

The other major factor that goes into when your puppy will calm down is you! If you keep up with training, then you’ll find that he calms down much faster.

Do puppies get easier when they can go for walks?

Before taking your puppy for walks, it’s really important to make sure that he’s fully vaccinated. This will help keep your puppy safe from illnesses like parvovirus.

It will also keep other dogs in your area safe from common and harmful diseases.

Make sure you talk to your vet about your puppy’s vaccination schedule

Once your puppy is vaccinated, you can start taking him for walks. Walks are great ways for you and your puppy to get in a little exercise.

You may find that your puppy getting more exercise helps a lot with his behavior and training! For more information on walking your dog, check out this article: How Long Can a Dog Walk?

When do puppies get better bladder control?

One of the most frustrating parts about having a puppy is potty training him. Your new puppy thinks that he can do his business on anything nearby! It’s up to you to train him and teach him that that’s not the case.

Part of the issue is that puppies don’t have very good control over their bladders. As a general rule, your puppy can hold his bladder for a number of hours equal to his age in months plus 1. So an 8-week old puppy could hold it for about 3 hours maximum.

But once your puppy reaches about 4 to 6 months old, he’ll have more control over it. Some puppies take a little longer, some take a little less time. Just be patient, and know that it will happen eventually!

When are puppies usually potty trained?

Every single puppy is different, and there’s no specific timeline. In general, puppies are usually fully potty trained once they reach around 4 to 6 months old.

Some puppies may take a bit longer, and some need less time. It all depends on your puppy as an individual, and how on top of training you are!


Getting a puppy is a really exciting thing—at least, it’s supposed to be! But if you’re finding that you’re unexpectedly down and anxious about having your puppy, you’re not alone.

The puppy blues are a really common issue. If you ask any other puppy owner, you’ll likely find that they’ve had the same experience you’re having!

Just know that it will get better with time. Stay consistent with training, celebrate the small victories, and stay patient with your puppy and with yourself.

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