Has your puppy started teething? Are you noticing little teeth on your floor, or bloody gums?
If your puppy is teething, then you’re probably going to notice a change in his behavior, too. Do puppies get hyper when teething?
And what can you do about it?
We’ll cover everything you need to know about your puppy’s teething and how you can help.
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Do puppies get hyper when teething?
Just like human kids, puppies aren’t born with their adult teeth. Puppies go through teething twice, once when they’re very young, and then again when they’re a little bit older.
A puppy’s first teeth will start to grow in when they’re around 2 to 3 weeks old. Once your puppy reaches around 8 weeks old, he’ll already start losing his baby teeth again!
By the time your puppy reaches 6 months, he should have all his adult teeth.
The teething process can be a pretty difficult time—for both you and your puppy! It’s pretty uncomfortable for your puppy to have teeth pushing through their gums. And so you might notice some changes in your puppy’s behavior while he’s teething.
Puppies often get hyper when teething. The reason for that is that teething is uncomfortable for your puppy, as his gums will feel sore. This discomfort leads to him acting out more.
These changes can make being around your puppy a lot more difficult. So what are you supposed to do while your puppy is teething?
Before we get into that, here are a few related articles about what to expect while raising a puppy:
- Puppy Blues: When Does Having a Puppy Get Easier?
- My Puppy Won’t Nap Without Me, What Can I Do?
- Do Puppies Sleep a Lot During Growth Spurts?
How do dogs act when teething?
While your puppy is teething, you’ll probably notice that he’s acting different from how he usually does. That’s because teething can feel pretty uncomfortable. You might remember being a kid and how sore your mouth felt when your adult teeth were growing in!
Your puppy is going through the exact same thing. And you might notice that he starts acting out because of it.
You may find that your puppy starts acting more overexcited and hyper than usual. He’ll probably be pretty eager to bite things to relieve the pressure in his mouth.
Dealing with a puppies that get hyper when teething can be really challenging. Here are some related articles on overexcitement and hyperactivity:
- How to Stop a Puppy from Biting When Excited
- What Causes Puppy Zoomies? 5 Common Reasons
- At What Age Are Puppies Most Hyper?
Do puppies calm down after teething?
If your puppy is currently teething and acting out, you’re probably wondering if your puppy is ever going to settle down.
The good news is that your puppy will eventually start calming down naturally as he gets older. But that doesn’t mean that you don’t need to put in any work.
As your puppy’s dog parent, it’s your job to show him what is appropriate behavior and what isn’t. If puppies starts acting hyper while they’re teething and you don’t curb this behavior, they’ll start thinking that it’s okay to act this way.
That’s the opposite of what you want! Instead, show your puppy that acting calm and being polite is what you want him to be doing.
If puppies of yours are acting hyper because of teething, here are 5 tips on how to calm an overexcited puppy quickly.
Typical puppy teething symptoms
If your puppy is teething, you’ll probably be able to tell. There are a few common symptoms that most puppies experience as they’re teething, and being hyper is just one of them.
Did you know that puppies actually go through teething twice?
The first time will be when they’re very young, even before you get to take yours home. The second time will be later. His baby teeth will fall out, and his adult teeth will grow in.
One thing you’ll probably notice as your puppy is teething is blood on his toys while you’re playing. This can be pretty surprising and might have you feeling concerned. But don’t worry! This is a completely natural part of the teething.
You may also find your puppy’s teeth lying around your house as they fall out. Your puppy will lose about 28 teeth total. You probably won’t find all 28 of these teeth, however. Your puppy is likely to swallow a lot of them, which is also normal.
The other most common symptom of puppy teething is increased chewing. Puppies that have adult teeth growing in often feel pretty uncomfortable! They’ll try to relieve this discomfort but chewing things.
And that includes chewing on things that you really wish they would leave alone!
When do puppies teeth the worst?
If your puppy is teething, then you’re probably wondering when it’ll be the worst it can get, so you can prepare for it!
A puppy’s teeth will start falling out at around 8 weeks old. By the time your puppy reaches 6 months old, all of his adult teeth should have grown in.
The entire process can feel pretty intense for you and your puppy. It’s also important to know that while this is a general timeline, all puppies are different. Just like human kids, puppies will lose their teeth at different rates.
While your puppy is losing all his baby teeth, both of you are likely to feel pretty frustrated and uncomfortable.
Just remember to stay on top of training to curb any bad habits your puppy might pick up from the teething process. And don’t forget that even though it might feel like it’s taking forever, your puppy will stop teething eventually!
How to help teething hyper puppies
A teething puppy can be pretty difficult to deal with. Teething puppies might start acting way more hyper than usual. It’s also pretty likely that your puppy is acting out in other ways, like chewing on things he’s not supposed to.
If you’re feeling pretty frustrated, don’t worry. There are lots of ways that you can help your puppy while his adult teeth are growing in. This will make the process much easier for you too.
Here are a few tips you can try out to help your puppy—and yourself!
Home remedies for teething puppies
Unfortunately, there’s no way to just stop a puppy from teething. It’s a natural process, and it’s going to happen whether you want it to or not! But there are ways you can help make it a little easier on yourself and your puppy.
One thing that you can do to help him out is to give him things to chew on. This will help relieve the pressure in his mouth.
You can also give your puppy special treats that will help ease any discomfort. Frozen treats and toys will help calm down any swelling your puppy might be experiencing on his gums.
You should also make sure that you’re giving your puppy proper dental care. It’s important to brush your dog’s teeth frequently, as much as your dog might dislike it. While you may not need to brush super frequently right now, now’s a good time to start getting your puppy used to the toothbrush.
You’re also going to need to be careful about puppy-proofing your home, if you haven’t already. Your puppy is going to want to chew a lot, so it’s important to prevent him from chewing anything he shouldn’t.
For example, you don’t want to leave any electrical cords lying around that he could get his teeth on. You should also make sure that you’re putting away any valuables that you don’t want him to chew on.
If your puppy does chew on something he’s not supposed to, don’t punish him. Instead, focus on positive reinforcement dog training.
Related topic: For dog training in general I highly recommend you get a program that walks you through step by step, such as Braintrainingfordogs. Certified dog trainer Adrienne Farricelli teaches you to train your dog to be the best dog he can by be using mental stimulation! Check out Dogpackr’s review to see if this is a fit for you!

Another good way to keep your puppy safe and out of trouble is to crate train him. You shouldn’t leave your puppy in there all day. But if you need to step out for an hour or just can’t watch your puppy for a few minutes, the crate is a good place to go.
Not sure where to start with crate training? Here’s how to crate train a dog easily in 13 steps.
What to feed a teething puppy
Another thing you’re going to want to focus on is your puppy’s diet. What your puppy eats could make a big difference in how his teething goes.
You should make sure that you are feeding your dog high-quality food throughout his entire life. This will help keep him happy and healthy.
While your puppy is teething, keep feeding him his regular vet-recommended food. But you might want to throw in a few extra things to help him with any discomfort he’s feeling.
For example, you can offer him some frozen fruits. As long as you’re avoiding fruits that are toxic to dogs, like grapes, this is a safe way to treat your puppy and help him ease discomfort.
Just bear in mind that fruit can be high in sugar, which might not help with your puppy’s hyperactivity. Give your little guy fruit sparingly.
You can also give your puppy veggies, like carrots. Remember to avoid toxic veggies like onions, however.
Another thing you can give him is some frozen low-sodium broth. This will give him important nutrients while also easing any gum swelling.
Help him out with lots of things to chew on
While he’s teething, your puppy is going to want to chew. Chewing is natural behavior for dogs of all ages. You’re not going to be able to stop him from chewing completely!
But you can show him what is and isn’t appropriate to chew on. Providing him with things that are safe to chew will also ensure he doesn’t get into trouble or hurt himself.
Get some puppy-safe chewies and treats for when your puppy’s chewing urge really starts kicking in. Like I mentioned earlier, it’s a really good idea to freeze them to help with the swelling.
In a pinch, you can also wet a towel, twist it, and freeze it then give it to your puppy. Since that takes a little while, it’s best to plan ahead!
Related questions
We’ve covered the basics of puppy teething, but you may still have some questions. Here are a few related questions that might be on your mind.
What do puppy teeth look like when they fall out?
Just like human kids, puppies’ teeth will fall out and then their adult teeth will grow in. You might find little teeth lying around your house, or stuck in toys your puppy’s been playing with.
However, your puppy will probably swallow most of the teeth he loses. Don’t worry, it’s completely harmless.
If you do find puppy teeth around your house, they will be small. Of course, the way the tooth looks will depend on which tooth fell out.
Do puppies’ gums bruise when teething?
Your puppy’s gums shouldn’t bruise much when teething, but they will likely be pretty tender. Teething is an uncomfortable process for your puppy!
You might notice that your puppy’s gums are red and swollen. You might also notice a little blood. This is all normal.
Make sure that you are giving your dog cold things to chew on. This will help relieve the pressure in your puppy’s gums. The cold will also help reduce any swelling he might have.
Check your puppy’s teeth regularly to make sure everything looks as it should. If you’re concerned about anything, you can always call your vet to have your puppy checked out.
When do puppies stop biting?
Teething is annoying for your puppy, but it’s also probably pretty annoying for you. Dealing with your puppy biting everything around him—including you—is pretty frustrating!
Your puppy should start settling down eventually. But you still need to model good behavior for him.
If you’re looking to help curb your puppy’s biting, take a look at these articles:
- How to Stop Puppy Witching Hour Biting
- How to Stop a Puppy from Biting When Excited
- When Do Puppies Stop Biting?
Puppies are rewarding, but they’re a lot of work too. When your puppy starts teething, dealing with his bursts of energy and his need to chew can be pretty challenging.
But don’t worry, there are ways to make the process easier for you and your puppy. Keep the above tips in mind and remember, your puppy will stop teething eventually!
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