Dog energy levels by age

dog energy levels by age

If you’re owning a very high energy puppy, you’re likely wondering about dog energy levels by age.

It seems like your puppy has boundless energy. So, will that change any time soon?

Well, the good news is that dogs definitely calm down with age. However, every dog is different and a dog’s energy level depends on a lot of factors.

So, in this article we’ll first take a general look at dog energy levels by age. And then we’ll look at some related questions and some specific criteria.

What are typical dog energy levels by age?

Does your puppy seem like he’ll just never stop moving? Or maybe you’re confused because he’s spending most of his time napping.

If you’re wondering if your puppy’s energy levels will change as he gets older, the answer to that is yes.

When dogs are still puppies, their energy levels can be pretty sporadic. One minute, you’re looking for tips to deal with puppy witching hour. The next minute, your puppy is passed out on the floor.

Of course, your puppy’s energy levels will also depend on his breed. Some breeds simply tend to be more active than others.

Your dog’s individual personality also has a lot to do with his energy levels. With that said, as a general rule there are some periods in your dog’s life when he’ll probably be more active than others.

Here’s an idea of what you can expect while your puppy grows up.

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1 to 3 months

At a month old, your puppy is probably (or should be) with his litter still. Taking a puppy away from his mother and litter too early can lead to behavioral issues down the line.

Your puppy is just a little baby at this age. He’s curious about the world, and learning the way everything works. Because this is his first time experiencing it, everything is super exciting! During his waking hours, your puppy is playing with his littermates and exploring.

As he starts approaching the 3 month mark, he’ll be able to come home with you. Life will continue being super exciting, and he’ll be high energy when he’s awake.

But when he’s passed out, he’ll be out like a light. Young puppies need lots of sleep, about 18 to 20 hours per day.

3 to 6 months

Now that your puppy is a little bit older, you can expect him to start needing less sleep. While he still needs plenty to stay healthy and well-behaved, it’ll probably go down to about 15 to 20 hours per day.

Your puppy still has a lot of that little puppy energy, and he might also start trying to “test” his boundaries and see what he can do.

If your little guy seems to have boundless energy and you’re worried he’s not getting enough rest, check out these related articles:

6 to 9 months

At this age, you’ll probably notice your puppy starting to settle down. And thank goodness!

While he’s going to have a ton of exhausting energy, you can probably see the light at the end of the tunnel.

Puppies this age will start learning a lot about socializing. It’s natural for puppies to play fight with others. If your puppy does this—don’t worry. As long as your puppy isn’t showing any signs of aggression, then it’s all in good fun. And an important part of socializing!

Your puppy might go through something called a “fear period.” This is also a normal part of his development.

9 to 12 months

Your puppy may not have gotten rid of all his puppy energy yet, but you’ll notice him calming down more and more at this age. He’ll have passed through his fear period at this point, and his “teenage” phase should be coming to an end.

Make sure that you’re giving your puppy plenty of stimulation, both physical and mental. This will help you deal with his still rather high energy levels, and will also make sure that he gets the training he needs.

For some more helpful advice, take a look at these related articles:

1 to 2 years

Congratulations! Your dog is an adult.

You made it through the toughest parts of raising a puppy, and now you get all the benefits.

Most breeds are considered fully grown and developed at this point, though it does depend on the breed. Smaller breeds tend to develop faster than larger ones. That means that your Shih Tzu will be considered an adult at around 1 year, while your Lab might not be an adult until 18 months to 2 years.

Your dog’s energy levels will have leveled out, and now you’ll be able to see what you’re actually dealing with. Some dogs are naturally more energetic, while others are a little calmer.

At this age, you’ll be able to tell which category your own dog fits into.

2 to 8 years

Your dog will spend the next few years of his life at around the same energy levels. While you may see some changes in his energy from day to day, it’ll be nothing like when he was a puppy.

If your dog is still displaying a ton of energy, then you might be the lucky owner of a hyperactive dog. For more information, check out these 9 hyperactive dog symptoms and how to help your dog calm down.

Likewise, if your dog seems very low energy, you might want to visit the vet to make sure he’s not sick. This is especially true if this tiredness seems to have come on suddenly.

8 years and older

Most dogs once they reach this age are considered seniors. Your dog may still be quite active, at least for the next few years. You’ll still be able to walk and play, and your dog will get excited at the things that normally make him happy.

As he gets older, you’ll start to see him slow down. While it’s still really important to make sure your senior dog is getting exercise, you’ll probably find him sleeping more than he used to. He might also not want to walk as far anymore.

Because your senior dog might be slowing down so much, he might be at risk for weight gain. Keep an eye on your dog’s diet and activity levels to prevent obesity.

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What’s my dog’s activity level?

You know that your dog’s activity levels change by age. But how do you tell what his actual activity level is or should be?

Well, the answer to that can change depending on a few factors.

Depends on age, breed, health etc.

One of main things that will play a role in your dog’s energy levels is, as you know, his age. When he’s young, your puppy will be super active one minute, and then passed out on the floor the next.

Your dog’s breed also matters. Breeds like Jack Russel Terriers and Labrador Retrievers are bred to be more energetic than dogs like Pekingese.

If your dog has any health conditions, then that will affect his energy levels too.

When do dogs lose energy?

Once your dog hits around 1 or 2 years old, his energy levels will finally start to level out. He won’t be quite as overexcited by the world as he was when he was young.

For the next few years, you can expect his energy levels to stay about the same. But once he hits his senior years, you’ll see them begin to peter out.

Do high energy dogs calm down with age?

If you have a naturally super high energy dog, you’re probably wondering if he’ll ever calm down. You can help your dog learn to settle by focusing on training. Positive reinforcement dog training will help you a lot here.

As he gets older, you’ll likely see changes to his energy levels. But if you have a naturally very high energy dog, then you can still expect to provide him with lots of stimulation every day.

What age are puppies most hyper?

Are you wondering at what age are puppies most hyper so you can prepare for it?

No two puppies are the same. So while it would be nice to have a universal answer, the age your puppy will be the most hyper depends on a lot of things!

That said, you can expect a big spike in your dog’s energy at around 10 to 16 weeks of age.

At what age do dogs calm down?

When your dog is still a puppy, it might seem like he’ll never calm down. All the energy can be really tiring for you to deal with.

But don’t worry, with your help and with time and patience, your puppy will start to learn to relax and settle down.

The closer your puppy gets to a year old, the more you’ll notice him calming down. The world is less new and exciting, and his training is kicking in more and more.

Once your dog reaches his senior years, you’ll notice him becoming even quieter.


Raising a puppy and seeing him grow into an adult dog is a rewarding experience. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t challenges. In fact, raising a puppy into adulthood is a really difficult and tiring task!

But don’t worry. Even though your puppy seems to have boundless energy now, with time and your help he’ll start to calm down. So focus on training while he’s young and reap the rewards of a tranquil, well-trained adult dog!

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