Do dogs like music when they are alone?

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dogs do like music when they are alone

Wouldn’t it be great if you could take your dog along everywhere?

Unfortunately, that’s not really possible. There are times when you just have to leave your dog home alone. 

But without you in it, home is going to be quiet. Have you ever wondered whether dogs like music when they are alone?

If yes, then music could be a way to sweeten the wait for your dog until you come back.

So is it true? Do dogs like to listen to a tune when they’re home alone? Or is it all just noise to them?

Do dogs like music when they are alone?

No one likes leaving their dogs alone. Life would be better if you could take your dog everywhere with you!

But there are going to be times when you have no other option than leaving your dog home alone. 

If you want to make sure that your dog isn’t going to be destructive or bored when you leave him, check out these 11 tips to keep your dog from being bored when home alone

Keeping your dog occupied while you’re gone is also a good way to prevent separation anxiety. You can learn more about this issue in these related articles:

There are lots of ways to make sure that your dog is occupied if you have to leave the house for a bit. 

One way you can help your dog stay relaxed while you’re away from home is by playing some music.

So how exactly can music help? Let’s dive in.

make sure your dog doesn't get bored when home alone but can still relax—with music, for example

Do dogs prefer music or silence?

If you need to leave your dog home alone, you might be wondering if music will be helpful at all. Maybe you’re wondering if your dog would prefer simple silence to music.

The answer is that music can actually be really beneficial for your dog, especially if he’s home alone. Your dog might feel anxious when the house is quiet because he can tell he’s all alone. With music, you can cover up noises from outside that could otherwise disturb him.

That’s because dogs have an incredibly strong sense of hearing. While you may not be able to hear anything going on outside with the doors and windows closed, your dog probably can.

What he hears going on outside might stress him out. In these cases, playing music for your dog can help drown these sounds out. This means your dog will probably be a little less stressed.

That’s the main reason why dogs do like music when they’re home alone.

Do dogs like the radio when left alone?

Like music, the radio offers a good way to drown out any outside noises that could cause your dog to feel stress while you’re away.

The radio might also make your dog feel less lonely while he’s hanging out at home alone! 

You can train your dog to understand that when the radio comes on before you leave the house, it’s time to relax. Try this out by playing something on the radio and getting your dog to lie down quietly. Reward him if he stays relaxed while the radio is playing.

If you plan on turning on the radio while you’re out of the house, just make sure it’s a relaxing program. You don’t want to play anything that might make him anxious. 

Make the radio a part of your daily routine if you leave regularly—your dog’s nerves might thank you.

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Do dogs like music when sleeping?

If your dog has trouble sleeping at night, then you might want to try playing some music for him.

Playing calm, relaxing music can help your dog settle down at night. And as you already know, it’s a really great way to drown out any outside noise that could be distracting your dog.

If you’re looking for a way to help your dog fall asleep, there are lots of great options. Check YouTube for some music and playlists you can play for your dog while he’s falling asleep.

Turning on some peaceful music during the night might also help you get your puppy to fall asleep.

Playing music for your dog at night is certainly worth a try if he has a hard time settling down. But if the music doesn’t seem to help or it makes things worse, you might want to try another method. 

Remember, all dogs are different, and they won’t all respond to the same things.

For more information on helping your dog sleep through the night, don’t forget to take a look at these related articles: 

What kind of music do dogs like best?

Playing music for your dog could be a great way to help him settle down. If you need to leave him alone in the house, music might make him feel less anxious and alone.

But while playing music can be an effective way to help your dog settle down, playing the wrong music might have the opposite effect.

The kind of music that you play for your dog is important for whether it helps your dog calm down.

So what kind of music is best to play for your dog? Let’s discuss.

What kind of music is most relaxing for dogs?

When it comes to helping your dog relax while he’s home alone, playing the right kind of music will help.

You’ll want to avoid music that’s super loud or heavy. That means no heavy metal music! It could make your dog feel anxious.

It might also encourage your dog to bark along with the music. And that’s something that your neighbors won’t appreciate very much!

You can also try pop music, but that genre doesn’t seem to have much of an effect on dogs either way.

Try your best to find calming music for your dog. This will help your dog relax while you’re away. It likely won’t encourage him to make any additional noise.

dogs can hear really well - you don't need to turn up  the volume

Do dogs like classical or rock music?

We’ve established that dogs like music when they are alone—and that it depends on the kind of music.

When choosing a music genre for your dog to listen to, the important thing is to find something slower and quieter. Something with fewer beats per minute that’s lighter on the bass will be more relaxing for your dog.

So that means avoiding heavy metal music or hard rock, which might ramp up your dog’s excitement or anxiety. 

Slower classical music is a really great option if you’re looking for some music to play for your dog. You can also want to try soft rock, which tends to have a slower tempo than hard rock.

The other important thing you should bear in mind is that the volume of the music you’re playing makes a difference, too.

Dogs’ ears are far more sensitive than our own ears. That means that you don’t need the music to be loud for it to be effective.

Regardless of the genre your dog seems to prefer, play it on a fairly low volume. This will help keep your dog calm while you’re away from home and prevent the music from making him more anxious.

Related dog music questions

Do dogs like TV?

Turning on some music or the radio for your dog could be a great way to keep him calm while you’re away. Leaving your dog alone can be stressful for both of you. So, finding ways to keep your dog calm while you’re gone will help a lot.

One thing that might be beneficial while you’re away is turning on the TV. Dogs actually do like watching TV, as you might have noticed while watching it at home. You may have seen your dog get pretty interested in what’s happening on the screen.

There are several channels—like DOGTV—and even videos on YouTube that are dedicated to dogs’ specific needs while watching TV. Throw one of these channels or videos on and see how your dog reacts!

Do dogs like rain sounds?

If you’ve ever tried meditation, then you may have found that listening to rain sounds helps. These sounds can make you feel calmer and more relaxed.

But what about your dog? Could they help him?

The most likely answer is no. If you play rain sounds for your dog, you may actually find that he appears unhappy. 

Your dog can’t necessarily tell the difference between the fake rain coming from your speakers and real rain outside. He might think it really is raining! That can be pretty disappointing for your dog.

Playing classical music or soft rock is a better way to help your dog if you’re looking for ways to calm him down.

dogs like staying with their pack, though a little music helps when they have to stay home alone

Do dogs like being left alone?

Dogs are pack animals. They live in groups to survive. And when you adopt your dog, you become his pack!

Because they’re pack animals and rely on companionship and affection, dogs don’t usually like being left alone.

That’s exactly why you should never leave your dog alone for too long. Your dog loves you, and being away from you is difficult!


While it can be hard on both of you, there are times where you’ll simply need to leave your dog home alone. You may not like it, but it’s bound to happen eventually!

In these cases, finding ways to help your dog relax and stay calm will make sure he doesn’t get destructive or bother your neighbors while you’re gone. A really great way to keep your dog calm when he’s home alone is playing some music for him.

Remember to pick music like soft rock or classical music that has a slower tempo. This will help your dog stay settled until you arrive back home!

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