Has your dog ever jumped up and thrown his front legs around your neck? You might be wondering why he’s doing that.
Is your dog really hugging you? Is he trying to tell you he loves you and cares about you the same way that a human would?
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Why does my dog hug me?
There are several reasons why your dog might be hugging you. And not all of them are necessarily “hugs,” at least not the way humans would define them.
Before we get into the reasons why your dog might be hugging you, make sure you take a look at these related articles about dog behavior:
It’s usually a sign of dominance
You might think that your dog jumping up and giving you a hug is a sign of affection. And sometimes it can be! But usually, it has nothing to do with affection.
Most of the time, a dog “hug” is actually your dog’s way of showing dominance. If you’ve ever watched dogs playing together, you may have seen one grab onto the other with his front legs, sort of like a hug.
But in these instances, that hug is actually one dog trying to show dominance over the other.
So even though it might seem like your dog is trying to tell you he loves you, he’s likely actually trying to display dominance. If you’ve encouraged the behavior by rewarding him with attention, then he’ll be more likely to do it more.
Can also be a sign of affection
Like I just said, the most common reason why a dog might “hug” you is because he’s trying to display dominance. But one thing to always keep in mind is that every dog is different.
Sometimes hugging can be a sign of affection. Most dogs don’t like being hugged and only hug to display dominance over another dog or person. But some dogs learn from their humans that a hug is just a way of saying “I love you!”
So how can you tell if that’s the case with your dog? Make sure to keep an eye out for other signs of dominance your dog might be showing, like ignoring commands or growling. If your dog seems calm and happy, then he’s probably learned that this is a way to show love.
How do dogs give hugs to humans?
A dog physically throwing his legs around you is probably a sign of dominance. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t other ways for dogs to show their affection.
A dog’s body language is going to be pretty different from a human’s. They’re completely different species, after all!
But there are other ways that a dog might hug you, in his own way! Some ways that you can tell that your dog loves you is if he stares into your eyes or wants to cuddle with you.
Another surprising way he might show affection is by acting calm when you leave. You can tell that your dog loves you if he doesn’t show any signs of separation anxiety. Instead, he’s showing that he trusts you, and knows you’ll be back for him even though you’re leaving without him.
To learn more about separation anxiety, make sure to check out these articles:
- Do Puppies Grow Out of Separation Anxiety?
- 9 Signs and Symptoms for Separation Anxiety in Dogs
- How Long Can You Leave a Dog Alone?
Why does my dog hug me in these situations?
If your dog seems to be hugging you in specific situations, then you might be wondering why that is. Here are a few situations where your dog might hug you and what that means exactly.
Why does my dog hug my neck?
If your dog is hugging your neck, then he’s probably trying to display dominance over you.
Remember when dogs play, they’ll throw their front legs around each other’s necks. This is a way for dogs to wrestle and pin the other one down to show who’s boss.
That could be what your dog is trying to do to you!
You may have also encouraged the behavior. If you give your dog attention or act super excited when he “hugs” you, then that tells him that displaying this kind of dominance is a good thing.
Unfortunately, it’s a behavior that you probably don’t actually want to continue. To address this, use positive reinforcement dog training to teach your dog behavior that you prefer.
Related topic: For dog training in general I highly recommend you get a program that walks you through step by step, such as Braintrainingfordogs. Certified dog trainer Adrienne Farricelli teaches you to train your dog to be the best dog he can by be using mental stimulation! Check out Dogpackr’s review to see if this is a fit for you!

Why does my dog hug me when I get home?
If your dog is jumping up on you and hugging you when you get home, then that could be a sign that he’s struggling with separation anxiety.
If your dog has separation anxiety, then working with him to manage that anxiety will benefit both of you.
One really great way that you can help both yourself and your dog is by crate training him to keep him calm and safe when you leave.
Looking for some help? Here’s how to crate train a dog with separation anxiety.
Why does my dog hug me when I cry?
Your dog might be more intuitive than you realize. Your dog can tell when you’re sad, and he’ll probably try to comfort you too.
If you’ve been sad around other humans before and they’ve hugged you, or you’ve cuddled with your dog when sad, then your dog might learn that that’s what comforts you.
He could hug you to make you feel better, or snuggle up with you because he knows that helps you.
Dogs are emotional creatures, and they’re surprisingly good at interpreting human emotions too!
Why does my dog cuddle with me in the morning?
Have you noticed that your dog is particularly affectionate in the morning? Maybe you’re wondering why he’s so snuggly once you wake up.
Humans and dogs develop very strong bonds with each other. When you wake up, your dog will probably be pretty happy to see you! He might start cuddling as a way to greet you and tell you “good morning!”
Being super affectionate could also be your dog’s way of seeking out warmth if it’s been a chilly night. He might also be excited because he knows that now that you’re awake, it’s time for him to get some food! And that’s probably pretty exciting for him.
Related questions
Why should you not hug your dog?
One thing you should remember about dogs is that a dog’s body language is different from a human’s. While a hug means love and affection to a human, it means something different to a dog.
When you hug your dog, he might feel like you’re trying to display too much dominance over him, and that could make him uncomfortable. It could also lead him to acting out and showing signs of reactivity or aggression.
But remember that some dogs actually do like hugs. They may have learned from being around humans that a hug means you love them.
Just be aware of your dog’s body language and make sure to listen to what your dog is telling you.
What does it mean when a dog cuddles with you?
Who doesn’t love spending some time cuddling with a dog? Dog cuddles are some of the best things in the world.
While hugging can mean different things to dogs and humans, cuddling seems to be universal. Your dog is probably cuddling with you because he loves you and wants to be close to you!
Some dogs also cuddle because they’re looking for warmth. If your dog has particularly short fur, or if he’s getting older and more sensitive to the cold, he might seek you out to get a little warmer.
What does it mean when a dog puts his head on you?
Have you ever just been hanging out with your dog when he puts his head on your leg or arm? You might be wondering what that means.
Just like getting in some good cuddles, a dog putting his head on your arm is a way of showing affection. Your dog loves you and trusts you and is telling you this by putting his head on you.
It’s just one of the many weird and sweet ways that dogs show they’re humans that they care! So if your pup is resting his head on you, know that that means that your bond is strong and that your dog loves you.
There are a lot of differences between dogs and humans. One of the big differences is in body language. While you might see a hug as a way of telling your dog that you care about them, your dog sees hugging you as something completely different.
But that doesn’t mean that your dog will never show you affection! It just means that you need to learn the other ways that your dog shows you that he cares and that he loves you.
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