If you’ve ever had the pleasure of giving your dog a bath, you know that after-bath zoomies are real!
My Mini Poodle Baloo can’t stand bath time!
He hates water in general (something went wrong with his Poodle genes ;)) and he never goes deeper than dipping his paws in water.
But being bathed and having shampoo rubbed all over him must be the worst. So, he’s super duper hyper after every bath. He’d literally be running and zooming around for a good hour if I didn’t stop him.
If that sounds familiar, you’re probably wondering: why do dogs get so hyper after baths?
Well, that’s what you’re going to learn in this article.
If you’re in a hurry, here’s the summary: Dogs get hyper after baths because they’re either relieved that it’s finally over or because they’re cold and try to warm up their internal body temperature. Other common reasons are that they try to shake off the uncomfortable feeling or scent and to get rid of pent up energy.
Table of Contents
Why Do Dogs Get Hyper After Baths?
Giving your dog a bath can be a hard enough experience on its own. But if your dog gets super hyper after bath time, that can make it even more difficult.
So why do dogs get hyper after a bath? There are lots of reasons so let’s take a look at some of them!
Most dogs don’t really enjoy getting baths.
Once his bath is over, he might just be so excited that it’s done that he gets a little hyper!
It’s just like when we feel relief—your dog is getting a boost of energy because he’s so happy his bath is over.

Shaking Off the Uncomfortable Feeling
It’s not nice for your dog to be wet. During his bath, he feels super uncomfortable, especially since he has to stay still and wait while you rub that weird shampoo stuff onto his coat!
When he finally gets to be free of the bath, he might start running around to shake off the feelings of discomfort he had.
It’s like when we feel uncomfortable and need to go for a walk to get away from the source of our discomfort. Your dog’s trying to get rid of that terrible feeling he had during his bath!

Releasing Pent Up Energy
Even though your dog might sit through his bath, that doesn’t mean he likes it. It might be stressful for them to be confined to the tub, and they probably don’t understand why you keep rubbing that weird-smelling stuff on them.
This stress will gather during their bath, and when it’s finally over, that energy’s got to get out somehow! Your dog might get zoomies and act hyper in order to release all that pent up nervous energy.
Raising Internal Temperature Through Physical Activity
When we get out of the bath, the air hitting us makes us cold. We wrap ourselves up in towels to keep ourselves warm.
Dogs, on the other hand, will start running around to raise their internal temperature and warm themselves up again. Like humans, when dogs exercise, their temperature rises, which keeps them from getting too cold.
Plus, running around and rubbing themselves on grass or furniture will help dogs dry their fur off.

Trying to Get Rid of a New Scent
Dogs have a very different idea than we do of what smells “good.” You might think his lavender-scented shampoo makes him smell amazing. But your dog is thinking, “Hey, what’s that weird smell on me?”
To try and get his own smell back, your dog might try running around the house, rubbing himself on furniture to get rid of the new smell and get his own scent back.
How Can I Calm My Dog Down During and After a Bath?
Understanding why your dog gets hyper after his bath is one thing, but stopping him from getting hyper is another!
Here are a few ways you can help your dog stay calm during his bath, and afterwards.
During Bath: Keep Him Busy
If your dog has problems staying still and calm during his bath, try keeping him busy while he’s in the bathtub. There are a few ways you can distract him while you’re washing him.
One of the best ways is to give him something to do with his mouth. For example, try spreading a little peanut butter on the bathtub that he can lick up.
Not only will this keep him distracted, but it will also help form positive associations with the bath instead of negative ones!
Keep in mind that just spreading peanut butter on the tub might not keep him busy for long. Consider buying your dog a bathtub lick mat.
They are relatively inexpensive, and they make your dog work a little harder to get the peanut butter. You can attach these mats to the wall for your dog to lick at while you focus on getting him clean.
Here you can see the peanut butter trick in action:
After Bath: Hold Him Still
If you’re looking for a quick fix for your dog’s hyperactivity, try holding him still for a while after his bath. When dogs get excited, they stop being aware of their bodies, which makes it difficult for them to settle down.
By holding them, you help dogs become more aware of their bodies again, which encourages them to settle down.
It might seem weird, but it seriously works! You probably won’t even have to hold your dog for very long before he starts settling down. He should start relaxing in a minute or two.
Just make sure you aren’t wearing any clothes that you mind getting wet if you’re holding him immediately after his bath!
In General: Teach and Reward Calm Behavior
One of the best ways to stop your dog from getting super hyper after his bath is by training him to be calm.
This isn’t an immediate fix, but it’s definitely the best long-term option when it comes to dealing with your dog’s zoomies.
The best way to train for this behavior (and to train for anything, really) is through positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement basically means rewarding behavior you want your dog to continue doing, and ignoring behavior you don’t like. It’s completely force-free and doesn’t use any fear tactics. Instead, it encourages dogs to make the right decisions for themselves.
So, if your dog tends to get really hyper, try to catch his calmer moments and reward him for them.
Also, make sure that your dog is getting enough physical and mental stimulation. This will help tire your dog out, which will leave him with too little energy to get really hyper after his bath.
Mental stimulation can also be a wonderful training tool if used correctly. Check out Braintrainingfordogs to learn how to train your dog to be the best dog he can be by using mental stimulation! Or have a look at Dogpackr’s review first to see if it’s a fit for you and your dog!

Related Questions
Before we wrap this up, let’s look at a few related questions you might have.
Why Do Dogs Get Hyper All of a Sudden?
If your dog gets hyper and it seems to be coming out of nowhere, there are a few things that might be causing the problem.
If your dog isn’t getting enough stimulation, he might be bored and this is the only way he knows to get rid of all his excess energy.
It could also be that something is making him itchy or physically uncomfortable. He might be hyper because he’s trying to get rid of the feeling of discomfort.
He might be feeling overwhelmed or overtired, which can make a dog get hyper. It’s a lot like toddlers or kids. When they get tired, they tend to start acting out. The same is true for your dog!
Some breeds also tend to be a little more hyper and energetic than others. That’s something to consider when it comes to your dog as well.
For more information check out my article on why your dog is suddenly acting hyper and how to help him stop.

How to Calm a Hyper or Overexcited Dog
If your dog is jumping around, barking, running around your house, and acting generally crazy, he might be a little overexcited.
Usually, this kind of overexcitement comes from having too much energy. If that’s the case, it just means that you need to exercise your dog some more—and make sure to incorporate brain games too!
If your dog is overstimulated, this can also lead to zoomies. Stress is another reason why your dog might be having trouble settling down.
If your dog is hyper or overexcited and you’re looking for ways to get him to calm down, check out my other article on how to calm an overexcited dog quickly.
Also make sure to get my free guide for a calm dog to learn the 3 things you must know to own a calm dog!
Whether it’s because your dog has rolled in something gross, or just because it’s been a little while since the last one, bathing your dog is important. However, that’s something your dog might not necessarily understand! For him, the bath can be stressful and uncomfortable.
When his bath his finally over, he might get rid of his pent up energy by running around like a maniac or try to warm himself up and dry off by rubbing himself on grass or furniture.
If your dog’s hyperactive behavior is a bit much for you, prevention is the best solution. Train your dog to be calm and reward calm behavior. While he’s in the bath, give him something to do like licking peanut butter off the tub or off of a lick mat. This will help keep him busy, and it might even help him make positive associations with the bath.
With a bit of work and patience, you can help your dog grow accustomed to the bath and stop him from getting hyper after a bath. That means a much more enjoyable experience for you and your pup!
P.s.: Don’t forget to check out Braintraining4dogs if you want to take your dog training game to the next level. It offers a 60-day money back guarantee, so you have nothing to lose.

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