dog suddenly hates crate So, your dog suddenly hates his crate and you don’t know what to do? Don’t worry, in most cases this is either a phase that will pass or you’ll be able to train it...
Category: Dog training and behavior
How to calm an excited dog (in the car) An overly excited dog is not only annoying, it can also be dangerous. This is especially true if you're driving. So, it's really important to know how to...
Does my dog understand me? Did you ever get the feeling that your dog doesn’t understand you at all? Particularly when he just seems to have forgotten all orders ever taught? You’re not the...
I just got back from a car ride where we had to drive on some really curvy roads for a while. Baloo was whining the whole time, even though he usually sleeps in the car. I always assumed that he...
My dog is very hyper and restless, what can I do? If your dog is hyper and restless all the time and doesn't seem to have any interest in relaxing at all, there is usually a good reason for it and...
So, you had this idea of all the adventures that you would like to go on with your furry friend and how you would go hiking, cycling, backpacking and all those other fun things. And now your pup just...