Why does my dog jump and bite while walking?

why does my dog jump and bite while walking

Walking is a great way for both you and your dog to get in some much-needed exercise. But walking can turn into a really frustrating task if your dog just can’t seem to behave himself!

There are a number of issues that dog owners might run into while walking. Among the most annoying is your dog jumping and biting.

But jumping and biting on a walk isn’t just an unwanted behavior. It can be a potentially dangerous one too. If you have a large dog, then it’s all too easy for him to accidentally knock someone over by jumping.

So, in this article we’ll look at why your dog is jumping and biting while walking and what you can do about it.

Why does my dog jump and bite while walking?

Before we can get into all the ways to teach your dog to stop jumping, we first need to talk about why he’s jumping and biting while walking in the first place.

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He’s just too excited

One of the main reasons for a dog jumping up and biting on a walk is that he’s just so excited to be outside!

There are so many things happening around your dog, and he’s probably interested in all of it. But all of that excitement can be a little overwhelming for him.

Your dog may not know how to properly deal with all that excitement. That could cause him to lose control of himself and start jumping up on you and biting.

If you’re looking for ways to deal with this issue, learn more about how to deal with an overexcited dog on a walk.

He wants your attention

There’s one thing your dog wants most in the world—yes, even more than treats or toys. And that’s your attention!

Your dog loves you and he relies on you. And he wants your attention in return! If he doesn’t feel like he’s getting it, then he might resort to things like jumping and biting in order to get it.

Dogs are really similar to human kids in this way. Have you ever watched a kid act out just because he wants an adult’s attention? In this case, your dog is doing the same thing.

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He’s trying to play

Your dog doesn’t necessarily understand that there is a time and place for playtime. He might think that playtime should be whenever he wants it to be!

And because going for a walk is already so exciting, that might encourage his desire to play even more.

Your dog might be jumping up and biting you on walks because he’s trying to get you to start playing with him.

He’s frustrated about something

Excitement and the desire to play with you aren’t the only possible driving forces behind this behavior. It’s possible that your dog is jumping and biting because he’s feeling frustrated.

If your dog isn’t used to walking on a leash yet, he might feel frustrated by being limited in this way. To deal with his frustration, he might start acting out by jumping on you and biting.

It could also be because walks are very stimulating, and your dog may not know how to properly deal with all the stimulation. Learn more about how to calm an overstimulated dog here.

why does my dog jump and bite while walking

How to stop your dog from jumping and biting while walking

Jumping and biting isn’t just annoying behavior. It could also result in someone being hurt. That’s why it’s important to get a handle on your dog’s manners while walking as soon as possible.

If you’re wondering how to train a dog not to jump on you or others, there are a few tips you’ll want to consider.

But now, let’s look at how to stop your dog from jumping and biting while walking.

Move your knee up to prevent a jump

One of the best ways you can stop a dog’s bad habit is by preventing the habit in the first place. If your dog’s problem is with jumping, then you’ll want to do your best to stop the jumping from happening.

To do this, watch for signs that your dog might be getting ready to jump up on you. If you see that he is, raise your knee in front of you to prevent him from being able to properly get at you.

By doing this, you are keeping your dog from getting at what he wants. This also keeps you safe from being knocked over.

Reward calm behavior

When it comes to any type of training, positive reinforcement dog training is the way to go. This type of training focuses on rewarding behavior you want to encourage and staying force-free. This has been proven to be an extremely effective way to train dogs. It also helps keep the bond between you and your dog strong.

If your dog is jumping and biting on walks, then you need to show him what behavior you prefer.

When your dog makes the choice to walk calmly, ensure that you reward him for that. With consistency, this will show your dog that he gets what he wants by acting calm instead of jumping and biting.

Give him something else to do

If your dog just has so much energy on walks that he doesn’t how to deal with it properly, then one way you can help him is by providing him with something else to do.

You might want to consider bringing a tug toy on your walks with you. When your dog starts getting too excited on walks and wants to jump and bite, pull out the toy.

This gives him something else to do with his mouth and distracts him from what he originally intended to do.

You can also ask your dog to perform a trick for you. As long as it’s something that keeps his focus off of jumping on you, it should work.

Don’t hype him up before going for a walk

A lot of dog owners think that a dog’s bad behavior comes solely from the dog. But a lot of your dog’s behavior actually has to do with you!

Consider what you’re doing before you and your dog go for your walk. Are you calmly picking up the leash, putting it on and waiting until he’s settled before you go out the door?

Or are you acting just as excited as your dog, talking loudly and riling him up?

Remember that it’s your job to model the behavior you want to see in your dog.

If you’re looking for some advice on calming down your dog, check out these articles:

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Why does my dog jump and bite the leash when walking?

Are you struggling with a dog that just won’t stop trying to bite the leash? If you’re looking to stop a dog from biting the leash, there are a few things you should keep in mind.

First, make sure that you never encourage this behavior by using the leash as a toy. Remember to stay calm before and during walks to show your dog the behavior that you’d like to see.

You should also avoid pulling back on the leash, as that turns the leash into a tug toy. Instead, reward any calm behavior that your dog shows to encourage that instead.

Why is my dog jumping and biting when excited?

A dog that’s jumping and biting when excited likely doesn’t know how to control his energy. He may be too excited and doesn’t know how else to deal with that.

The issue could also be that he’s trying to get you to play with him, or he’s just looking to get your attention.

Whatever the reason, it’s important to teach your dog that this behavior isn’t acceptable. Remember to do your best to get out of his reach to prevent jumping and biting from happening. Also work with your dog to show him what appropriate behavior does look like.

Why does my dog jump up at strangers on walks?

If your dog is jumping at strangers on walks, there are a few reasons why that could be. A lot of it probably has to do with the fact that your dog is excited and very probably overstimulated.

The best way to deal with this issue is by practicing proper greetings. Enlist a friend or family member to practice with, and make sure to stay consistent with your training.


If your dog struggles with jumping and biting while walking, that’s not just frustrating for you. It could also put your dog and yourself in an unsafe situation. That’s why it’s really important to work with your dog and teach him that this behavior is not okay.

Instead, show your dog what appropriate calm behavior is. Make sure you’re not hyping him up before walks, and that you have something else for him to focus on instead of jumping. Remember to practice and stay consistent, and you’ll find yourself with a well-behaved dog on your walks very soon.

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